CokernutX Repo

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Prysm StarsCC


A Star Wars Theme for Prysm

Activate with iThemer or Snowboard(Required). This package requires Prysm and Magma Evo(Coloring of elements) as well as Filza for moving files. 1) After installing Prysm StarsCC move Prysm StarsCC from / to Library/Themes in Filza. Then open the folder and open bundles, you will find the "Prysm" folder, copy it. 2) Paste that folder in Library/Application Support after renaming the old "Prysm" folder "Prysm-old" 3) Apply Prysm StarsCC using snowboard or ithemer, then respring the device. 4) Adjust the toggles from the control center settings in the Settings app 5) Respring again

    If you need any help email me at [email protected]