CokernutX Repo

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An awesome MobileSubstrate tweak!

BadgeBar is created with love. It replaces the stock ugly Badges with a BadgeBar.

The theme in the screenshots is Fenix you can get it at Packix.

Options which you can configurate in settings:

  • Hide Labels
  • Hide Update & Beta Dots
  • Use Static Badges Color
  • Badge Color
  • Dynamic Badge Color
  • White BadgeBar Border
  • Hide Folder Badges
  • Folderbadges color from
    1. First app
    2. First app with badge
    3. App with most badges
  • Badges as a Bar
  • X-Offset for Badges
  • Y-Offset for Badges
  • Badge Width
  • Badge Height
  • Badge Radius

Note: Only tested with Snowboard If you want to support me and get always the latest updates through your package manager, purchase this tweak on Twickd! Otherwise you can get the BadgeBar beta on my Discord for free:

If you want you can follow me on Twitter and look at my other work on my website. Twitter: Website: