CokernutX Repo

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Nijat Mehdiev

iOS 14 done the rigth way.

This is Neo.

Hello dear friends, I hope everyone has good health and is feeling good.

Today I want to give you Neo!

With this Icon Pack I give you iOS 14 troughout my eyes.

Small and narrow icons, that make every homescreen set-up looking unique and different. All of the icons are made in HD and have a special shadow applied.

This is stock but redefined, a stock with my touch, a stock to stand out.

I've created icons for all of the apps me and my friends use, if you have any requests for any missing apps, please write me on Twitter @MehdievNijat with a proof of purchase and I will try my best to create for you fast.

Any bugs and missing icons will be added in next update.

Best regards,

Nijat Mehdiev.