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Vibrant and awesome icons!

Hello and welcome to Colorfull. Think of it, like a Bright 2.0!

Firstly thank you so much for all of the support with Bright! It means a world to me! Bright will be updated as long that there are requests.

Colorfull is a theme that will make your iPhone or iPad stand out, there are 120+ icons, that are kinda stock, but not really. See what I mean is: Icons are simple, but they are made to stand out, they are bright, and they will be noticed. But then again, they are also dark ones in there.

So to make a long story longer, there is something for everyone, every app that I & my friends use is themed, I will make more if you will want me too. 5 icons per person per update, I'm not a machine, but I'll make all of your requests. :)

I'm in a no way a professional, I'm a mother of two, who works a 9 to 5 job. Art is my passion, and this is the way I let loose and express myself, if you like my work, I want to thank you for supporting me. I promise I will do my best to include all of your app icon requests.

Also a returning customers get a discount! :)

I wish you all a good day, and take care!