CokernutX Repo

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Show your currently playing media on the lock and home screens.


backgroundArt is a XenHTML 2.0 widget to add the album art of the currently playing media to the background of your home screen and lock screen.


Installation Guide

  1. Add the repo and install XenHTML 2.0 or later.
  2. Download and install backgroundArt.
  3. Open the Settings app > XenHTML > Lockscreen or Homescreen > Background Widgets > Add widget > Select "backgroundArt"
  4. Tap the cog at the bottom to configure backgroundArt and then press the tick when done to add to home screen or lock screen.
  5. Play some music and then lock your device or return to the home screen

Configuration Guide

backgroundArt only has three configuration options, CSS filter string, Show when paused and disabled apps.

  • Show when paused is pretty simple. When unchecked backgroundArt will hide whenever the current media is paused, when checked it will show when the media is paused. It will always hide when the current media is stopped.
  • CSS filter string can be a bit daunting. It takes a space seperated list of filters. You can only insert a filter once, and not all filters are required. The valid filters are blur(5px) brightness(200%) contrast(200%) grayscale(100%) hue-rotate(90deg) invert(100%) saturate(8) sepia(100%) and you can preview the filters at this URL.
  • Disabled apps is a semicolon (;) separated list of all the all the apps that will be ignored by backgroundArt. The default is YouTube;org.videolan.vlc-ios. You can provide both an app name (such as YouTube) or an app bundle ID (such as org.videolan.vlc-ios)