CokernutX Repo

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A theme with beautiful icons!

Hi there! Thanks for checking out my newest theme - Blorgy.

It's an Android Inspired Semi-Glyph theme that I have fallen in love with over the past few days I've spent working on it, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Version 1.0 things to know

There are only about 100 themed icons so far, so by paying the 99 cents, you are investing in me making more Some stock Icons still need to be themed, I also still need to fix the calendar and clock issue, which will be in verison 1.1.

I am currently on paternity leave and my newborn does nothing but sleep so I got a lot of time to work on this, expect an update every few days.

If you do not want to pay the 99 cents, just shoot me a PM on reddit and we can figure something out /u/SemiHardX

And for the curious, yes the name of the theme is a combonation of Blue and Orgy