CokernutX Repo

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Revamped iOS Alarms


This tweak replaces the default alarm sounds with music (iOS 13+)

Currently supports (more coming in the future): Spotify: Playlist, track, or album Apple Music: Any playlist with play & shuffle buttons and radio stations YouTube (BETA): Video or playlist

Notable Features:

  • Fully integrated into clock app
  • Shuffle or linear playback modes
  • Customizable volume fades
  • Customizable snooze options
  • Live snooze countdown
  • Buttons positions, text, and color configurable
  • Weather summary on dismiss
  • Bluetooth, AirPlay, and Spotify casting support
  • Run shortcuts on fire and dismiss
  • Backup alarms are created in case of playback failure or internet issues


  • What is device passcode and why do I need to enter it?
    • The device passcode is needed to unlock the phone temporarily to start the music. The passcode is secured with AES128 and stored locally
  • Why is the volume at 0%?
    • The volume fades in over a period of time, set fade in time to 0 minutes if you want it to reach max volume instantly
  • Is this compatible with betterAlarm?
    • Sort of. Alarms with the music toggle will use Aurore's interface, whereas all other alarms/timers will use betterAlarm. They can be configured to looks similar
  • How do I set it up like the second picture?
    • For the big buttons, set bottom offset to 0, spacing to 0, button fonts to 50, button width to 375, button height to 200~300, and add a custom color. (May vary for different devices)
  • What is the background image?
  • Other issues
    • Try hitting the "reset all settings" button in preferences. If that does not solve the issue, send me an email or chat on Reddit. Please tell me if you have already tried a reset as that would be most likely my initial response.